Shop Ayurvedic Products
Showing 1–12 of 16 results
₹100.00Key Benefits:
- Promotes hair growth
- Stress and Anxiety Reliever
- Coolant Agent for Brain
- Induces Good Sleep
- Sharpens Concentration and Memory
Dentascience Ayurvedic Toothpaste – Strong Gum and Shining Teeth
₹89.00Save ₹21 with 10% extra
Medicated Ayurvedic Toothpaste for Strong Gum and Shining teeth
- Anti-Cavity
- Gum Protector
- Bleeding Stopper
- Bad-Breath Controller
- Harmful Chemical Free
- Shining teeth
Lemongrass Green Tea
₹100.00Enhances mood in every sip
Helps to relieve from stress, anxiety and mental fatigue
Works as an antioxidant which helps reverse aging
100% Organic
Finest variety of lemongrass breed developed by CSIR
Naranga Refreshing Bodywash
₹199.00A unique formulation with a blend of active herbs known for their nourishing and cleansing properties. This low-foaming solution cleanses the skin gently.
- Anti-bacterial & Anti-fungal
- Long-Lasting Scent
- Rejuvenates and nourishes
- Soothes and repairs skin damage
- No Artificial Perfume
Coming Soon….
Naranga Vitamin C Face Wash – Soft & Bright Skin with Pimple Control
इस पैक के साथ ₹26 की महाबचत के साथ 5% ज़्यादा। मात्र ₹39 में
नारँगा इक्स्ट्रैक्ट रोमछिद्रों को खोलकर मुंहासे कम करता है
इसकी गहरी सफ़ाई धूलभरी तैलिए त्वचा में विशेष लाभकारी है
विटामिन C एक एंटीऑक्सिडेंट है जो चेहरे को फ़्री रैडिकल से होने वाले नुक़सान से बचाए
चेहरे को बिना शुष्क किए इसे रखे मुलायम और चमकदार
डिस्ट्रिब्युटर बनने के लिए सम्पर्क करें – +91 99567 78900
Special Chyawanprash
₹499.00Key Features:
- Immunity Builder
- Anti-Ageing
- Stamina Booster
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Nourishes the brain cells
- Net Content: 600g